eBay Sales Roundup: What Went Out the Door This Week (2024)

**This post may contain affiliate links for which I could earn a commission. This does not change the price that you pay.**

This will be an ongoing post throughout the rest of the year. With stories and photos, you may find ideas for you for eBay Sales.

Week of November 4 – 10

We start off the week on November 4th with a big sale for us – $24.00. This was for a vintage ash tray figural woman. I previously had this listed for $80 as there was no comps. Recently reduced the price down to $40, so I was happy to accept an offer for $24. I bought this ash tray on an online auction for $8, so definitely made money on this.

Vintage Art Nouveau Woman Figural ash tray

On November 8th, we sold Urban Star Blue Jeans Size 36×29 for $8.30. This was sold as best offer. It took about a month to sell. It came from one of our storage unit purchases.

Urban Star men Jeans

Later that night, we sold my hubby’s New in Box Ryobi Miter Saw with Stand for $300 via Craigslist. He bought this online at Home Depot thinking that he would use it for work. Then he found a compact tool instead that would work better. We were definitely happy to get our full price on this.

Ryobi Miter Saw Kit
Ryobi Universal Stand

On Saturday, the 9th, we sold 2 items – Snap On Flat Head Screwdriver and a New Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest bluray. The snap on flat head screwdriver was in a bunch of tools that we got from a storage unit. My hubby says that Snap on is a popular brand and that people love it regardless of condition. Mine was rusty and dirty and still sold for $8.75.

After watching some Youtube videos about tools, I realized that I should check all the tools prior to listing in a big lot in case anything was worthwhile. It was a good thing that I did as I found some that were worth money.

The Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest bluray – this was sealed and we had bought this during a garage sale this summer where everything was sold super cheap! Sold this for $7.77 (our full price).

Snap On Flat Head Screwdriver
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest bluray

On November 10th, we sold another movie – X-Men Apocalypse 4K & Bluray for $6. This came from a movie lot that we buy from one of our vendors. I think we had $1.25 into the movie.

X-men Apocalypse 4K bluray

I also spent time taking down a bunch of movies that we previously had listed for $2.77 and $3.77. After fees on eBay, it’s not worth our time and money to keep listing them that low. So our lowest listing amount will be $4.77 on items.

Curious why everything ends in .77? My favorite number is 7 so we had implemented this system many years ago when my mom and I had a business and it works well for us.

Week of November 11-17

We only sold 2 items this week as I held off listing items on eBay. I was selected for jury duty and didn’t want to miss shipping anything. I wasn’t selected so I’m back to listing items again!

We sold 2 items on the 13th. One of them we sold at full price – 2009 TY Black Brown Dog plush with red collar – $12.77. The other one was a New in Package Alaska Airlines Wings lapel pin.

With that plush selling at full price, we have officially made a profit on the plush lot that I had bought earlier this year. It was a huge lot and I still have plenty of plush to sell.

Alaska Airlines Wings New in Package lapel pin
TY Black Brown Dog Plush with red collar

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