My eBay Finds for March 2022
When we started selling in February 2022, we only sold 4 items, totaling $207. March was a fantastic month as we tripled our sales – sold 14 items, totaling $308 – mostly on eBay, and couple items on Facebook. Before we get started with showing you our eBay finds for March 2022, consider checking out the previous post – eBay Finds February 2022.
We are still selling and listing items from our storage auction that we had won in February. We did a little thrift store shopping but not much as we have a ton of items still. Decided to have a St. Patrick’s Day Sale that went from March 7 – March 18th, 135 items were 17% off.
eBay Finds for March 2022
We sold 2 brooches on March 3rd – Decorative Circle signed Coro and a Gold Toned Owl Red Rhinestone. These were brooches that I’ve held from my previous business – SAL Spoons & Collectibles. Selling decorative circles on eBay is always hard; however finding the ones that are signed does make it easier. If I find any circles in my inventory that are not signed, I’m immediately putting it in a pile for donation.

About a week later, we sold 2 more items on March 10th – Arctic P253 BT Stereo Headset and Star Wars Toaster. These items were from our home. The Arctic P253 Stereo Headset – I have no idea where I had gotten this; was decluttering my side of the bookshelves and found it.
The Star Wars Toaster was given to us as a gift from family; my hubby is a huge Star Wars fan. However, it was just collecting dust and we decided to get rid of it.

2 days later, we sold a Travelsmith Ladies Petite Jacket. I had gotten this jacket at the Humane Society Thrift Store for $3 and sold it for $21. It was a jacket that had shoulder pads. This was truly my first attempt at looking for clothing to resell. I must have spent at least 1/2 hour in the clothing section – searching every brand name and looking at sold items on eBay, to see if anything was worthy of reselling. I also had my father in law with me so was unable to spend too much time.

The next day, I sold 2 items – an American Lung Association Christmas Seal 1988 lapel pin and a Troy Lee Designs Long Sleeve Shirt. The American Lung Association pin was very hard to photograph; it took me a few attempts to finally get it looking clear enough. And how cute is this pin?

The Troy Lee Designs Long Sleeve shirt – I picked this up at Second Chance Thrift Store in Lynden for $2.49 and sold it for $15. After researching, I found that this shirt was a motocross type shirt and I thought it was very awesome looking. Absolutely loved the designs on this shirt and love the color purple too! This shirt has had the most views that I’ve ever had – 1343 views within 11 days. I listed it on March 2 and sold on March 13.

Five days later on March 18th, I sold 2 more items – Kobalt 24v Max Brushless Drywall tool and a Steam controller, both from the storage auction. My hubby debated for a long time about keeping the Kobalt drywall tool but ultimately decided to sell it. He didn’t want to have a 3rd battery charger; he likes Dewalt and Ryobi. The Steam Controller was a winner, especially when we looked at the comps. We immediately had 2 offers right after listing it. I decided to sleep on it and glad that I did because it sold for the price that I listed – $58.77. Just those 2 items, nearly made the cost of the storage auction for me!

Another week passes after those big sales and we sold the 4 Issue Return of the Jedi Star Wars Comic books. These came from my hubby’s collection. They certainly take a lot of work to ship however we are thrilled as that is one more item getting removed from the house! We did receive an offer in which they saw that we had several more comic books for sale and wanted our best offer for them.
Since we have our comic books set at roughly $10 each, I offered them at 1/2 off. But the buyer was only interested in them if we offered them at 90% off and said that they weren’t worth it at the price we said. Decided to decline their offer as we have been selling them at the prices that we had.

Two days later, we sold 2 more items to finish out the month for eBay – Sunflower Needlepoint brooch and Polaroid Camera. The Sunflower Needlepoint brooch is different – it truly amazes me how much work that someone had to put in this and create it. It’s hard to clean because of the needlepoint.
The Polaroid Camera came from the storage auction and sold for $55. We tested it out ourselves and it worked, so we were pleased when it sold for nearly our asking price. This camera was filthy and my hubby cleaned it up pretty good.

We sold 2 items on Facebook Marketplace in the buy/sell groups that we were in – 50 ft rope for $10 that came from storage auction and Kawai Personal Keyboard for $30 that came from our home. I had to ask my dad to estimate how large the rope was as he used to be in the building industry. We had someone offer us only $5 because they planned to make a rug with it and was unwilling to pay the price. Luckily, we declined their offer, while holding out for the price that we asked.
The Kawai Personal Keyboard with stand – I’ve held this keyboard for at least 20 years. Used to play way back in the day. I had tried listing this at various times and said this would be my last ditch effort to try to sell or else I would donate. It was taking up space and I knew that I would not be going back to it anytime soon. This sold to a young mom with kids who were so excited to get an instrument to play with!

So, my previous blog post, I talked about finding a Neiman Marcus fur coat. Unfortunately, I had no luck selling on Facebook or Craigslist. So I decided to sell it on eBay instead. Had to wait for the longest time to find a box and my parents swooped in for the win! It’s currently listed now at $450 and I have 2 watchers. My mom modeled the coat and said I could put her photo in the listing but not on Facebook.