My eBay Finds for September to December 2023
I decided to do a combination of the months of my eBay Finds for September to December 2023 as my sales have significantly dropped. However, we have been focusing on selling on Whatnot and our sales has increased there as a result.
Going forward, I’ll be doing quarterly blog posts as I really enjoy doing these!
But if you enjoy watching live auctions, I highly recommend you check out Whatnot! It’s a great platform and you can get some amazing deals on there – funko pops, storage auction finds, blurays, steelbooks, clothing and much more. If you sign up under our link, receive a $15 credit once you make a purchase! Plus, you will automatically follow us so you’ll know when all our shows are happening.
We tend to do 2 shows a week; we hope to see you there!
Now, let’s get down to the eBay Finds.
eBay Finds for September 2023
In September, we sold 19 items and one of them we had to refund. It was a Michael Kors sweatshirt and I called it a Women’s (If it was my size, I would’ve worn it.) but I guess it was a men’s. And they expected us to cover the shipping too. It wouldn’t have been worth my time to ship it back so I refunded her completely and told her to donate the item.
We start out September with 2 sales – Midea Window Air Conditioner and a Makaveli Red Blue Men Shirt Size XXL. The Air conditioner was sold off Craigslist and went to this nice lady in a senior home. She was thrilled to receive it! The Makaveli was in okay condition, with a couple tiny holes in it.

5 days later, we sold 2 more items – Delta Power Miter Saw and a Nike Team Huskies Sweatshirt Size S/P. The Delta Power Miter saw sold locally to a gentleman who was so happy to receive it. He said that all his tools were stolen and he needed the saw to help his friend with their porch.
I was thrilled when we sold the Nike Team Huskies Sweatshirt for our full price – $25.77! We’ve had this one from one of our first storage auctions in 2022.

The next couple of days, we sold a Tallwoods Elementwear Fish Short Sleeve shirt for $10 and a Republican Party Campbell 2004 lapel pin. The Tallwoods shirt looked cool with all the fish on it. The Republican Party Campbell 2004 pin sold quickly, which is always nice!

The next day, we sold this Her Hardware Turquoise Tools Bag for $5 locally. It was missing couple of tools but the gal was so excited to have it. I love the colors that came in the bag.

Few more days have passed, we sold 2 lapel pins – Signed JJ Mom Frame Bronze pin and a Designated Driver Program pin.

The next couple days, we sold 2 more lapel pins – 2001 Bloomsday 25th Running Spokane WA and a Vintage Strawberry Shortcake pin. When I was younger, I loved everything Strawberry Shortcake!

2 days later, we sold 12 packs of Metallic Markers for $5 locally and a Fred Meyer Challenge Not your Usual Golf Tournament lapel pin. The metallic markers were in this one storage unit – the person had so much brand new crafts.

3 days later, we sold 2 clothing items this time – Guns n Roses Not in this Lifetime shirt and the Michael Kors Sweatshirt (which we had to refund). I think it was more remorse on her part as she didn’t want the sweatshirt and tried to find an excuse. I do put the approximate dimensions in all my clothing listings on eBay and state that the buyer needs to pay for the shipping if they want to return something.

Another 3 days go by and we sold 2 more lapel pins – I was There Safeco Field 2001 Seattle All Stars and French Ski Team Rooster Pin. Safeco Field was renamed to T-Mobile Park in 2019.

Last day of the month for September, we sold an Anaheim Angels Baseball Player lapel pin and a Columbia Sportswear Black Jacket size 2XT.

eBay Finds for October 2023
In October, we sold 11 items and most of them were locally. Only 2 items were actually sold on eBay. I had been listing items very sporadically as we focused on the Whatnot platform instead.
In the 1st week of October, we sold 2 items – Rhone XXX XL long sleeve performance shirt for $20 and 2 Tools Boxes and a corded electric drill for $5 locally. The guy that we sold the tool boxes to was shocked that we were selling these for $5 only. But we had so many people flake on us that we just wanted them out of the house.

Couple days later, we sold a 3 Foot Witch and a toy truck lot locally for $10/each. I love Halloween decorations and would’ve kept the witch but it was so big and I had no storage for it. My mom said the witch kept scaring her, lol!

About a week later, we sold 2 more items and they were the higher priced ones for the month. A Coffee table locally for $40 and the Junk Mixed Lot of pins and brooches over 11 pounds. The coffee table – the lady was so happy to get it as it matched the rest of their furniture in their home. The junk lot of pins – these are pins that either sat in my store for a year and no sales or pins that I decided to not sell. These pin lots always sell for me.

The next day, we sold 3 sleeping bags (Field & Stream, Ridgeway by Kelly and unbranded) to this guy who was thrilled to get them. We sold one of the sleeping bags for $5 and threw in the rest as we had people nitpicking about them. We washed them but didn’t have the cover bags. He was so happy as he’s been sleeping in his car and it was getting cold at night.

Four more days later, we sold a Calvin Klein 2XL Coat locally for $20. This was a very nice jacket, if only it was smaller and we would’ve kept it for ourselves!

Last day of the month, we sold a US Border Patrol Academy lapel pin for our asking price – $4.77.

In October, we did buy a storage unit and it turned out to be a hoarders unit and not the good kind. We spent way more money than we ever had and we lost. But that is sometimes what happens, you never know what you are going to get. The tenants had all these yellow/black totes in the unit and generally, you think that they would put valuables in them as those totes are pricey.
Nope, these folks put mail from over 10 years ago in these totes; very few valuable items in here. We were bummed beyond belief. This was also the very first unit where we paid for a month to take our time to clean it out.

eBay Finds for November 2023
November fared better than October in terms of eBay sales. In fact, we sold nothing locally this month. We sold 14 items.
We start off the month with 2 lapel pin sales – Alabama Jaycees Couple holding umbrella and Vintage Dancraft Teachers Help us Grow. The Teachers help us grow pin sold for $9.77 and isn’t this a cute pin?

About a week has passed and we had another 2 sales – Sovereign Nation of the Kenaitze pin and the AIWA Portable Cassette Player. The Portable Cassette player came from my mother in law’s house as she didn’t want it. It sold for $69.

5 days go by and we sell 2 more pins – Christmas begins with Christ and Kmart Certified Jewelry Associate. We used to have a Kmart store and there just may be a couple stores still around in the US.

Few more days go by and we sell 2 more lapel pins – 1954 Republican Elephant Vintage and 1988 Canada’s Olympic Team. I’ve found that the Republicans love their pins; I don’t think I’ve seen a democrat pin for several years.

Next few days, we sold 3 more items – 2006 Las Vegas Auctiva Mandalay Bay, Magnolia Plantation Gardens, and AFSCME Council 40 American Federation. The Las Vegas pin may have come from when we went to the conference there back in the day. We were working for my aunt’s company, where we sold vacant land on eBay. We had so much fun at the conference.

To end out the month of November, we sold 3 more items – Siberian Tiger lapel pin, Coca Cola Always lapel pin and a Champion Pink Short Sleeve Shirt.

eBay Finds for December 2023
So, to finish out the year, we sold 11 items, 2 of them were locally.
We start out the month with 2 items sold – World Cup USA 1994 Colombia Mcdonalds Lapel pin and a Unifi Ubiquiti Access Point. The Access Point was from our home and that sold for $60.77. Since we are on Starlink, we no longer need these access points.

About 2 weeks later, we sold 2 more lapel pins – Cowboys Ride Longer and Health History Interviewer Volunteer America.

A few days before Christmas, we sold 2 more lapel pins – Havoline Race Car #28 and Magician Hand Pulling Bunny out of hat. I was so happy to sell the bunny magician pin as it sat in my store for awhile.

On Christmas Day, we sold this Seattle Seahawks Christmas Hat for $8.94 (currently on sale as we had a Christmas sale going). This sold to someone in Washington State. This hat actually came from our last storage unit. We’ve been giving the Seahawks merch to my sister in law but decided to sell this one.

Couple days after, we sold a Kurt Cobain RIP pin button and a set of 7 teacup & saucers. The set of 7 Teacup & Saucers came from my personal collection. I had previously acquired them because I thought that one day I would have a tea party with my grandparents. It never happened though. I sold these cheap for $20 and had a lot of interest.

To finish out the year, we sold 2 more items – Tiger Decanter and a New Jersey Lottery 4 Leaf clover pin. The tiger decanter was brand new and we had received that in one of those unclaimed mail lots (which I don’t recommend buying). The guy that bought it thought it was so unique – sold it locally for $10.

Our eBay has suffered in sales as we have been focusing so much on the Whatnot platform. But I’m trying to still list on eBay as it is still a fantastic platform for various items.
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We have done pretty good on Whatnot and our sales have been amazing at times. We sell a lot of Blu Rays, steelbooks, storage auction finds and more. Our gross sales from September to December are over $4K.